Well on the way to my parents house on the 23rd, there was a massacre of a small doe about 20 miles North of Brady. The murder weapon; a 1998 pearl Lexus! Yes in all my years of night time driving in West Texas I finally joined the Deer Slayer Club. I've always been told not to swerve or slow down and thought to myself it would be impossible to do. Yeah - no so much...I saw her in road and did slow down as I was laying on the horn. On the night of December 23rd, our precious doe was called to Jesus. I said a little pray and thanked the Lord that the car was still driveable and went on my way. I'm just ok with knowing that she didn't come through the windshield and land in my lap.
Merry Christmas!
Don't worry, all deer go to heaven (or a freezer to be eaten), since you didn't process it I'm sure it's makin' out with Bambi's dad in heaven!