So every year about this time I head to the Texas Panhandle for work and a little play. You would think that after growing up there and visiting this exact same weekend for the last 6 years I would know better. I got into my car this morning and it was freaking
28 degrees outside. No wonder I was freezing my ass off...I'm leaving right after work for a heavy coat and some hand warmers. Supposedly it's going to "warm up" for the weekend but I'm not so sure I'll warm up between now and then.
I had breakfast this morning with an old high school friend and her little boy this morning. He's the cutest almost 2 year old I know...I thank him for sharing his race cars with me at Chick-fil-A. And then tonight I'm having dinner with another's just like old home week.
On a more fun note - I took this picture as I was driving childhood house is about 10 minutes from here.
Maybe one of these days I'll load up and drive down there!