We have a little project going on at the Smith Ranch....tomatoes. I'm talking about tasty; you only need a fork and knife kind of tomatoes. They are older types....that's right folks, you guessed it. Heirloom Tomatoes - all types and there are 67 plants in all and we have a plan. Logging the water, fertilizer, production, and most importantly the taste. I'm excited about being the official taste tester in the project because next to eggs, tomatoes might be the best used cooking ingredient in the kitchen.
Most people have thought that Todd and I are nuts to plant so many but we need a project and can you think of anything better except maybe ice cream. We won't pack on as many lbs. tasting the tomatoes...we'll leave the ice cream to our visits to the good old DQ - I'm already an expert at the Blizzard.
The back garden plot. |
Here's what we have planted:
Yellow Perfection
Gardener's Delight
Golden Nugget
Kellog's Breakfast
Mr. Stripey
Black Krim
Aunt Ruby's German Green
Mortgage Lifter
Jaune Flamme
Arkansas Traveler
Lemon Boy
Striped German
Cherokee Purple
Green Zebra
Black Cherry
Golden Jubilee
*I know some are not considered "heirlooms"but we're trying them anyway. It's our garden and we can!
We've grown a few of these before but if you have any experience with heirlooms; taking all the advice and knowledge I can get.